Stripper Cheese Plate

By Dave Dakota

Wisconsin is known around the country as the best place to get cheese! Well an entrepreneur has taken the cheese plate to a place that has never been imagined. Darlene Ortega has opened up a new cheese plate and wine restaurant in Madison that uses naked ladies as the cheese plate. I talked to Darlene about her new restaurant.

DD: First off, I got to say your cheese plate is amazing. Even if there wasn’t a Mila Kunis lookalike lying in front of me, I would have still eaten the cheese plate. It is great food, and the scenery makes it a must go spot In Madison!

DO: Thank you! And yes, the food is the most important part. We want to be fine dining and also have the scenery that you will never see anywhere else. We pay our models a lot of money! So we only hire the best. You will not have a classier time than at our restaurant. Also our girls are first class.

DD: So how do you handle people who are not into this kind of approach to a restaurant?

DO: My attitude is that when you come here, you should know what you are dealing with. My partners however convinced me to have a section that we do not have the girls. Also it is a $100 charge to have a girl for groups smaller than 10. It is $50 for groups 10-20, and 20 or more people, we include one of the models.  Also you do not have to have a model at all. Of course, people come not just for the food, but also for these gorgeous models.

DD: Are the girls allowed to talk to customers?

DO: Only if they are engaged in conversation which happens almost 100% of the time. We only hire girls with great personalities so we make sure to focus on these girls great personalities. Of course if it’s a shy group, the models are expected to just play it by ear.

DD: So these models are mainly female strippers correct?

DO: Yes we have girls from Las Vegas, New York, Los Angeles, etc. They all love our approach, and they are all on pace to make over 6 figures this year. So we want or girls to be happy.

DD: It is definitely an original approach to a restaurant. I love the place. I wish you the best of luck