The New British Invasion

By Vince Leona

Beatlemania was huge! It captivated a nation. The Male Revue industry has recently had their own UK invasion! The new male revue show from the UK is taking the United States by storm. Ahmet Krenshaw is the person behind this new show, and I got an exclusive interview with him!

VL: How did you guys get this huge popularity in the United States so quickly?

AK: We started out doing the show in a small pub in Dublin. It got bigger and bigger each week! I give a lot of credit to our feature performer in the show Liam. Most ladies say he looks like a young David Beckham. He is the perfect guy to be the face of our show! We started touring the UK, and then did a 3 night test run in Los Angeles. A lot of big celebrities came out to view the show, and the word of mouth led to a lot of press, and now we can’t even keep up with the demand. I swear it really does feel like the Beatles! We were doing 2 to 4 shows a day and the ladies wait for the guys after the show! The go crazy! We have had some close calls!

VL: I heard Liam was hanging with the celebrities last weekend, and got into a little scuffle

AK: Yeah it was crazy. He was with an A list celebrity. They were hanging out in Vegas in a VIP area. Liam and this A lister started making out and I guess her boyfriend showed up. To Liam’s credit, he didn’t know that she had a boyfriend. Her boyfriend was a 260 pound MMA fighter and attacked Liam. Thank God our Security was bigger and badder than this guy.  Let’s just say our guys took care of the situation, and Liam ended up in Miss Hollywood’s bed. It was just another adventure in this crazy ride. Every night it seems like something crazy happens. The more money we make, and the bigger venues that we play, we just keep bringing in bigger and deadlier security guys.

VL: How long could this party last?

AK: Well it’s lasting at least the next 3 years! We are booked pretty solid over here until 2016. It’s going to be a crazy ride! We got guaranteed money, so we figure strike while the iron is hot. I told the guys, give me the next 3 years, I will make you multi-millionaires, and then we can reevaluate how long we want to do this! I have all of my guys set up where they will be set for the rest of their lives when this 3 year run ends! We are touring the entire world. Most places are already sold out! The party has just begun.

VL: You are smart looking out for your guys futures right off of the bat. It is very refreshing to see someone that cares that much! Good luck to you, hopefully this thing keeps going and going until you guys are house hold names.

AK: Cheers!