Musical Dancer

By Dave Dakota

Caleb Moroney the lead singer of a rock band in Knoxville has turned his band into a rock n roll male revue. Caleb was writing great songs, but couldn’t get his music to a mainstream audience. Caleb was always told by his female friends that if his band were strippers, they would make a lot of money. Caleb’s band mates are all former football players! They are all muscular and in amazing shape. At a show last year, Caleb started ripping his shirt off and the ladies went nuts. He noticed that his sex appeal was drawing people to his music. Caleb and his friends in the band were never shy guys so they decided to see what would happen if they turned their hour set into a male revue show featuring their music. I talked to Caleb this week about the evolution from a garage band to a male revue.

DD: How did your hardcore fans take your shift in focus for the band?

CM: Well I got to say that our female fans loved it, but the guys were a bit shocked. It was really funny to see the look on the face of this guy Eddie who is one of our street team guys. He looked like he was watching a live robbery. It was really funny. But eventually he understood what we were doing! We had to come up with a way to get our music out to the masses. Also we have always talked about joining a male revue. We have always been very athletic. And I guess it doesn’t hurt that we are good looking guys. So now we get the best of both worlds! We get to play kick ass rock n roll, and have hundreds of women screaming our names!

DD: So are you technically a male revue, or are you a rock band?

CM: Why can’t we be both? The music will always be the most important thing to me! No matter how we got them in the door, believe me, these ladies sing back every lyric to me. They are definitely fans of the music! I think that we have created something completely unique.

DD: In Tennessee, you guys seem to be getting very huge. How do you market this thing to take it on the road? I assume that a rock band like yours will get some intrigue from the rock scenes in different cities. I can imagine someone being shocked when they walk in and you are in a thong.

CM: Social media seems to be drawing a lot of intrigue from ladies all over the country. We base of tour on Facebook. When we get a few hundred Facebook fans in each city, we go there. If a guy walks in and is a little shocked or doesn’t give our music a chance because of the male revue aspect of our show, then that is a risk that we have to take! Believe me, seeing hot women screaming your name makes it all worth it.