Motor City Male Revue Show

By Dave Dakota

Detroit is about to be the home of a new Male Revue Show featuring some of its sexier workers! Detroit union workers are starting up new Male Revue Show featuring Exotic dancers that have worked in Detroit trying to rebuild the city! Spencer Trout was a former Sheet Metal worker who decided to start up this new show when he noticed how much attention he got from females walking by when he was working with his shirt off. He said that he started gathering a crowd so decided to team up with some of his co-workers and other union guys in the city and put together a male revue show featuring city workers with exotic dancing experience. I talked to Spencer about his new Motor City Male Revue Show.

DD: This is a great idea for Detroit! This is the biggest male revue show in the city. Also you are putting union workers to work. A lot are laid off these days.

ST: I am trying to get money in my fellow workers pockets while creating something huge for us. I don’t like doing manual labor for a living. It is a lot more fun making a living by entertaining beautiful women and making them scream. I want to do this show for the next 10 years, and make it a destination here in Detroit. We are in talks with the casino’s to have it be a weekly show, but they want us to prove our worth before making a commitment. I am just making sure that we have everything lined up and ready to go. We brought in one of the biggest choreographers from MEN The Show which is the biggest Male Revue show in the Midwest who is helping us with our show. They have been great. Definitely if you are in Chicago, check those guys out. We hope to have their success.

DD: I’ll make sure to give out their website ( ). Tell me about the show itself, what kind of routines can we expect?

ST: Well the these is workers so it’s a lot of physical labor routines that of course end with us taking it all off. I also have a great solo performance where I bring up 3 ladies and give them what I call the perfect storm lap dance. I cannot wait to see you Detroit ladies soon for the finest exotic dancers in Detroit!