Geek Revue

By Vince Leona

Nerds are starting to take over this country at a rate that has never been seen before. As little as 5 years ago, being a nerd was not a cool thing. But thanks to NBA players and hot chicks dressing like nerds. Also the acceptance of nerds as people who can help change the world has really taken nerdom to a new level. Peter Catush a self-proclaimed “nerd” who happens to have a body like Channing Tatum has created his Geek Revue. Catush said “Nerdy equals dirty” when describing his new revue. His show has guys dressed as your favorite science fiction characters. There is nothing funnier than seeing Darth Vader strip down to a black thong! I talked to Peter about his Geek Revue.

VL: What a great idea! How did you come up with something like this?

PC: Well I have always been obsessed with 2 things, working out and star wars. I was one of the rare nerds that actually got laid in high school. I was an athlete and an honor student. I really had an exceptional experience in high school! I was making a Dark Vader costume one year for Halloween and ended up hooking up with a girl that I met at a bar who was wearing a Princess Leia outfit. She was kind of a freak and told me to leave the helmet on. When I looked at myself in the mirror wearing only the Darth Vader Helmet, I couldn’t stop laughing. I also came to the realization that if this nerdy girl was into this, perhaps there were a lot more.

VL: Well it looks like your calculated gamble has paid off, because you guys are sold out for the next 3 months.

PC: Yeah we keep adding shows and just can’t keep up with the demand. We aren’t pocketing all of this money. We are putting it back into the show. Next month is the debut of our Lord of the Rings costumes. We are excited and want to make this thing as big as possible. We have made over 2 million dollars in profit since we started, but I am still driving a 93 Cavalier. I am looking at the big picture. Every nickel I am putting right back into the show. My dedication has payed off because as you said earlier, we are sold out for the next 3 months. We would probably be sold out for the entire year, but we are looking for a bigger theater, and are waiting on putting future dates on sale until we figure out our new home.

VL: Wow man those are some impressive numbers! I might be talking to a future billionaire.

PC: Correction, you are talking to a future billionaire! I am not a slacker, and I don’t buy stupid stuff with my money. I am taking this thing all the way. All I can say is thank god for nerdy girls. And just remember nerdy equals dirty!