The Fort Worth Cowboys

By Dave Dakota

There is a new Male Revue coming to town in Fort Worth. The Fort Worth Cowboys may have a familiar name, but this show is not what the name may suggest. I talked to Garret Michael the creator and star of this new show about his amazing new show!

DD: Tell me about this new show! What has made it such an overnight sensation?

GM: Well I went around the country and watched some of the best male revue shows. I also watched some of the really bad ones! I took all of the good things that the good shows did, and we used the short comings of the other shows as what not to do in our show! Our guys are all handsome, ripped, and are great dancers. We want the perfect storm for these ladies spending their money. The point of this show is to be a fantasy for these ladies. We need to deliver the absolute best, and that’s what we did. I took guys from the biggest shows in the country.

DD: How did you lure these guys over to your brand new show in Fort Worth?

GM: With lots of money (laughs). I spared no expense, and it is paying off big time! I am already making huge profits, and I have given the guys 3 raises in the first month. I have the mentality that if I share the wealth, then my guys will be happy and deliver their best effort. I will continue to share the profits. This is a partnership. Without the guys, my show is nothing. They are the stars and I pay them that way. I look at my show like a sports franchise. You got to pay to have the best. My team is the best, and I intend on keeping it that way!

DD: Tell me about the show itself, what can ladies expect?

GM: This thing is a huge production! You can expect it to be an extravagant male revue show with full sets for each dance. Each guy has his own solo section of the show along with the group routines. The ladies love the finale which I won’t spoil, but it involves crowd participation. No one leaves our show without a smile on their face. We also have huge amounts of ladies who return to the show. When you deliver a great product, they will come!