The MMA Fighter Stripper

Usually when an MMA fighter enters the cage, he goes in to win anyway he can. A lot of the time, the winner looks like a loser by the time he leaves the cage. Jason McNeil an MMA fighter in San Diego doubles up as a male stripper. I talked to Jason about his double career.

VL: Is it hard to stay pretty when you are in the cage?

JM: Hahaha! Believe it or not, being a male stripper makes me a better and more exciting fighter. I know going in that I can’t take damage and I need to get out quick. So I am currently on a 6 fight win streak with 6 great finishes. And best of all, I haven’t had a scratch on me.


VL: Have you ever been beat up in a fight and then had to work that night as a male stripper?

JM: Yes! Early on, I broke my arm and got 2 black eyes in my 3rd pro fight. My ego is so big that I schedule a party the same night as my fight. I called the ladies and let them know what happened. Luckily my buddy Blake took the party. And since he is a better looking dude than me, the ladies were happy. But yeah that wasn’t too smart! Now I keep a week after my fights open.


VL: Which career do you enjoy more?

JM: That is tough. Both are a great rush! I find that the stripping is more fun because I love the ladies and I love dancing. However, nothing matched that rush as when I knock a guy out.


VL: I know that one of your male stripper specialties is that you wear an MMA outfit to the parties. Is it the same outfit that you fight in?

JM: I don’t think the blood on the shorts would go over too well! No my MMA outfit for stripping is a lot more sexy than my regular fight shorts. It is a huge favorite for the ladies. They love it! When  I tell them that I am a real fighter, it gets them even more excited. Talking to you about it makes me realize how much I love my job!


VL: You are in amazing shape! Have you ever thought about training other male strippers to get them in the type of shape that you are in?

JM: I actually work out every day with 2 of my stripper buddies. And yes! I have implemented my training into their work out programs. People don’t realize how important eating is! I wrestled in high school and ate horrible. Now that I have my diet in check, I am in better shape than when I was wrestling nationals. So that’s what I first tell the guys. I tell them to get their diet right and then they can get ripped!


VL: Good luck in your next fight. Keep that face looking pretty and keep the money flowing in! Good luck with the two careers.