Male Stripper Clothing Line

The world of Male Strippers has recently had a huge surge! And thanks to that huge surge, a new business has started focusing only on male stripper clothing! Denise Carazzo is a designer who decided to create a clothing line for who brother who is a male stripper. He was just starting out in the business so he couldn’t really afford to put together a wardrobe. Denise first designed some breakaway pants and a see through shirt for her brother Jimmy. It was so stylish and sheik that the other male strippers started asking Jimmy about his outfit, and he said that it was his sister who designed and made the clothing. Before you knew it, Denise was taking orders from other male strippers. I talked to Denise about her new company.

VL: Boy did you stumble into a gold mine!

DC: Ha! Who knew? I was going to fashion school ,and I made my brother one outfit. Before I could even make him a second outfit, I had 3 orders. I was making clothes for Jimmy and his 3 friends. I would say by the 5th outfit that I made Jimmy was when the business had its first big step. A national touring dancer came to their club, and he loved my stuff. I started making his clothing. That was a huge score for me. He paid me $10,000 in cash and told me to make him a whole new wardrobe! I went a little over board and made him 250 pieces. He loved it! Then he brought on his whole touring crew. They all wanted stuff too. I was still in school, and already had 3 girls on staff to keep up with the demand. I am proud to say that I am no longer making the clothes in bulk! I am just the designer. I make the prototype and my girls do the heavy lifting.

VL: I heard that the fashion show you did really got you to the next level, and actually made you create this company.

DC: So we were making a lot of stuff, but it was still for a small number of guys when you put it in perspective. My brother Jimmy always believed in me, and had the idea of taking the company national. He actually won $100,000 on a scratch off ticket, and put the entire thing into my business. We kicked off our 3500 square foot facility with a fashion show with all of the guys who I originally made clothes for. It was a huge success. That first day, I had over $500,000 in orders. The fashion show was definitely the thing that put us on the map!


VL: So you and your brother are now equal partners in the company.

DC: Of course, he is the inspiration, the face, and the money behind the business. Just one year in and wear each made over a million dollars in profit. Who knew that male strippers were in such need of great clothing? Luckily I made Jimmy that first outfit, or this dream would have never come true. Jimmy is no longer working as a male stripper, and I am no longer working as a waitress. It has truly been an amazing year!