Green Strip Club

By Dave Dakota

Wendy Meloready an entrepreneur from Santa Fe has combined her two favorite things. Strip Clubs and helping the environment. Wendy recently opened the first ever “Green” strip club. It is truly a remarkable establishment. Everything is made from recycled products. Also every bottle, cup, and paper towel is recycled. I talked to Wendy on the night of her grand opening.

DD: How and what made you come up with this idea?

WM: Well I have always been very conscious about the environment. I have worked for a lot of non-profits when I was in college. I was a bartender at a famous strip club in Los Angeles. Of course it is easy to play back seat driver, but I didn’t like the way they ran their business, also their lack of recycling made me furious. My cousin has been very successful in the stock market. I told her that I wanted to open up my own strip club, and she loved the idea. She is also very much about the environment like I am. So we decided that we were not only going to start our own business, but also help the environment that I love so much. I always laugh when people tell me that there is not global warming. Every year we have a tragedy in the United States directly cause by weather. We need to do all that we can to save this planet.

DDL: I heard that even the stripper poles are recycled metal.

WM: Everything in the strip club is made with recycled products. And the place is gorgeous! We definitely did not give up quality with this green strip club. It shows that anyone can do what we did with their businesses. We have to be proactive!

DD: Do you only hire tree huggers? That’s a joke of course!

WM: (Laughs!) Actually to answer your question, Yes! We definitely make sure that our girls are all on the same page as us. Every Wednesday we are planting a tree around the club. We own a lot of land, and plan on beautifying the area.

DD: How have the guys responded?

WM: Well you know that hippy girls are all free spirits, so believe me we deliver as far as entertainment. And as far as being green, most guys don’t care. They just want to watch gorgeous girls get naked.

DD: Talk about your menu which is also very healthy, especially for a strip club!

WM: We definitely took a risk by having very healthy dishes. Based on the response however, people are looking for a change. We also have revitalizing green drinks that we sell for guys leaving the club, or for guys who are low on energy when they arrive.

DD: I must say that is a tasty drink! Best of luck to you and I hope this place is a huge success for you.

WM: Thank you! Make sure to come see us! We have the best scenery, food, and of course we are trying to save the environment. Our girls like to talk dirty, whether it’s sexual or talking about planting trees!