That girl giving you a lap dance might save your life

By Vincent Leona

It is always a cliché that female strippers are “in school”. But last week in Dallas Texas that cliché became reality. Mark Roderwill was hanging out a Gentlemen’s club with a client. It is a place that he goes to close deals. Mark is the CEO of a very successful company, and prefers taking his clients to a Gentlemen’s club than in his boring office. Mark woke up on a Monday and felt a bit light headed, but fought through it and drank a red bull for energy. Mark knew that he had a big meeting so he had to be on his “A” game. Mark hit the gym at 7AM like he did every Monday to get in an hour of cardio. He then called his secretary and said that he had a VIP setup for his client Tom set for noon. His favorite female stripper Marissa was working that night and she was Mark’s favorite. He knew that Tom would love her, and whatever other friends she was going to bring along. Mark then headed over to close the deal. Mark got there early, and waited for Tom in the parking lot. Mark was still feeling a bit light headed and started feeling weak. Tom arrived at noon, and Mark put on his game face. After a little catching up in the parking lot, they headed inside the club. Tom was very impressed when he walked in. Mark had a bottle of Tom’s favorite Scotch, and 2 huge steaks waiting for them. Tom informed Mark that he was ready to sign the deal yesterday, but glad he waited. Mark got through the details of this multiyear deal that they had been negotiating, and on cue Marissa and 3 friends walked over. Tom loved Female Strippers as much as Mark so this was the main event of the night. Mark had many conversations in the past with Marissa, and she had told him many times that she was using the money she was making to put herself through school. It’s not that Mark did not believe her, but never really gave it much thought. Mark started to feel a lot of pressure in his chest, and asked for a glass of water and then crashed to the ground like a ton of bricks. Marissa then leaped into action. She started performing CPR on Mark. He had stopped breathing. Marissa vigorously tried to revive him. Finally after 5 minutes, he started to breathe again. An ambulance was on the scene in 6 minutes, and took over from there. Mark was rushed to the hospital in a semi conscience state. After performing emergency surgery, Mark woke up with a bunch of tubes in him. Marissa and Tom were both in the room waiting for Mark to wake up. The doctor then came in the room and informed Mark that Marissa had saved his life. This is a perfect example of not judging a book by its cover. It would be very easy to discount a female stripper who tells you that she is in school, but she just may be the person that saves your life.

VL: All hail the new Queen of Strippers!

CC: And you better believe I am going to defend my title next year! I can’t wait to talk to you this time next year about my back to back titles.

Exotic Dancer Gift

What’s a better Birthday gift than a hot naked Exotic dancer at your door? That is what Claudia Catere thought when she opened up her business sending exotic dancers wrapped up in a gift box to people all over the country. I talked to Claudia about these amazing gifts.

VL: Tell me about your Exotic Dancer gift business.

CC: I used to be a stripper myself, and a lot of people were looking for something different than your standard party, so I came up with the idea, and in about 18 months we have become a national company. I can’t believe how fast this thing has developed.  It was a real surprise that we not only made a profit in the first year, but we made a huge profit. We made more money in the first year than we were expecting to make by year 5. So we are pretty ecstatic about the company so far.

VL: How does it work? I heard that you actually have a delivery truck, and a delivery guy.

CC: Yeah we go all out. We have the exotic dancer go inside the box, and then our delivery guy brings it in on a flatbed cart. The best part is the look on the face of the person receiving the gift when our gorgeous dancers pop out.

VL: That is a riot! I can imagine that you must have some funny stories from some of your dancers.

CC: Oh my God!! We have so many. One time we delivered a girl to a warehouse, and she just sat in the warehouse for an hour. She kept calling the contact at the house and he didn’t answer. Finally she got in touch with him, and she was in the wrong warehouse. Also one time we had a woman faint when one of our guys jumped out of the box. It sound funny, but was pretty serious at the time.

VL: What areas do you offer your service?

CC: New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Dallas, San Francisco, San Diego, San Antonio, and a ton more. We are slowly going to take over the whole country! We just need to get enough business in each city that allows us to pay for the truck, drivers, dancers, etc.

VL: Do you guys do bachelor and bachelorette parties also, or just Birthday parties?

CC: Of course, that is 40% of our business. We offer a ton of different options. We are like a Wal-Mart, but instead of selling toasters, and deodorant, we have exotic dancers. We like to have something for everyone. I definitely think we have the most variety in the industry.

VL: This is definitely a great idea to mix things up at a birthday party. Congrats on the success.

CC: Thank you! It really is proof that hard work truly pays off. I was at a crossroads in life, and didn’t know how I was going to pay my rent 2 years ago, and now here I am with a successful business and in a position to help others! It has been a great ride.