Stripper Trading Cards

By Vince Leona

I remember growing up as a kid that I had an awesome collection of trading cards. Baseball, Basketball, and Football were my favorite. I even collected Wrestling cards for my favorite wrestlers. In recent years the trading card industry has kind of taken a turn for the worse. That may all change. Some of the biggest strip clubs in the country have gotten together to create Female Stripper Trading Cards. These are beautiful glossy finished cards with a fully nude pic on the front and all of the girls stats on the back. Not only do the stats include the measurements, but it also included which clubs they worked at in the past and where they currently work. This is brilliant on many different levels. First of all, it is like free marketing for these female strippers. It is a way for a guy in Boston to see a girl in San Diego and make it a point to go see her if he is ever in San Diego. It also will give the girls the star appeal that female stripper feature acts get when strip clubs bring them in to do a feature spot. Instead of bringing in a star once a month, this has the potential to make all of the girl’s stars! This is a complete game changer! The limited release that has come out so far has been a huge success! These Female Stripper Trading Cards are changing the industry as we know it. People have come from all over the country to see Misty Mugs who is a female stripper at a club in San Diego. The week the cards came out, Misty said that she made 300% more money and it was mainly from fans from different parts of the country. Also she gained thousands of new Twitter followers. Something as simple as trading cards has turned these everyday normal female strippers into superstars! There is already talk of a Female Stripper Trading Card Convention! This will really bring the girls to the forefront. If these take off the way they are being projected, the Stripper Industry might have something really special on their hands. One of the hardest things to do is to market these female strippers. With the card sets, inserts, rookie of the year cards, etc. This has the potential to become as popular as Baseball cards in the early 90’s.

The New Backup Plan

By Vince Leona

Elite athletes have a shelf life of about 5 years. They are still amazing athletes when their pro career is over, but they cannot cut it anymore as a pro. So where do these amazing athletes do when the pro career is over? Billy Jonathan Decor an entrepreneur from Portland has given these guys a second lease on life with his new Male Revue show that features former pro athletes from the NBA, NFL, UFC, MLB, and NHL to name a few. These guys get to be in the spotlight again, and they are really finding that the spotlight doesn’t have to go away when they get cut! I spoke to Billy about his new venture.

VL: How did this new venture come about?

BJD: Well I was a college athlete myself and was struggling to find the next step in life. I am very athletic, and love entertaining. I became a part of a male revue, and quickly found that I was much more committed to the show than everyone else. My work ethic is second to none, and I decided to start up my own show. I didn’t want to hire a bunch of lazy guys who were doing this for extra money. I wanted to get elite athletes that I could groom into great performers. So I called up a few friends that I played ball with, and now I have put together a male revue show like no other.

VL: What is the difference in playing college football, and a male revue?

BJD: Well the main difference is that my audience went from almost all men to all women. I got to admit, performing for 300 screaming women is much more rewarding than 50,000 men.

VL: Do you get the same rush from your male revue show as you did scoring a touchdown?

BJD: A much bigger rush! Seeing women go bananas for you is something that you can never get enough of!

VL: I read that you have some former UFC guys working for you. How did that come about?

BJD: MMA fighters are probably the athletes that are in the best shape from any sport. These guys are very gifted athletes; it was a no brainer for us. These guys have the charisma and athleticism to put on an amazing show! By the way if any other MMA fighters want to become a part of my revue show, hit me up! I have had only great experiences with MMA guys.

VL: Also it doesn’t hurt to have guys who are already established to get your male revue show an instant audience.

BJD: You are exactly correct! Our guys each have between 10,000, and 1,000,000 Twitter followers! We can get the message directly to their fans. I had no idea how many women loved sports. These guys each have their own cult following, and now we are taking them to the mainstream.

VL: What has been the most rewarding part of this new venture?

BJD: Definitely the best part has been calling the shots and being my own boss!

VL: Looking forward to seeing Chuck Liddell and Tom Brady working for you soon!

BJD: (Laughs).