Strippers Are Still The Top Draw

By Vince Leona

Poker tournaments, paintball, baseball games, whirly ball, and every other Bachelor party activity that seems to be the norm these days all take a backseat to the old school standard in Bachelor Party Entertainment. That’s right; the stripper is still the top draw at Bachelor Parties. A lot of guys these days say that they do not want strippers at their Bachelor Parties. That seems to just be something that they feel they need to say. The guys who do not want strippers, it seems as though actually do want strippers, but do not want to be embarrassed in front of their friends, future father in law, dad, etc. The stripper is the main event! Everyone goes to a Bachelor party hoping to see a stripper. That is the draw. That is the reason that married guys clear their schedule and risk having their wives not talk to them. If you are planning a Bachelor party, a stripper is a must! Don’t even consider that his “friends” might not be into it! They answer is yes! All guys want to see a hot girl take her clothes off. All guys whether they say it out loud or not are coming for the star attraction. Paint ball is not as fun as a hot girl taking it all off. I was at a Bachelor party last week. We had a very tense poker game going on. Everyone was really serious, until the girls came in. This poker game from super tight to everyone going all in. I have never seen these serious poker players completely lose concentration. It was obvious that poker was no longer the priority. They were obviously there for another reason. I am not saying not to plan out other activities. Every headliner needs an opening act to warm up the croup. A baseball game or other pre Bachelor party activities that I mentioned earlier are all a great addition to the headliner. And get it straight! The stripper is the headliner. The peak of your party will be when the ladies walk in. Do not plan a Bachelor party without making sure that the entertainment is taken care of. You will regret it in the long run. I went to a Bachelor Party once that didn’t have strippers. It was a night out to dinner with the boys, and a bar afterwards. That to me is not a Bachelor Party. What I just described is a Saturday night with the guys. Adding a stripper to the mix would have changed things up and given it that Bachelor Party feel. Instead I left the party completely unsatisfied. Don’t make your friends leave unsatisfied. Think about the entire group. Think about how you are in charge of fun for the evening. You need to step it up and make sure you put on an award winning night. Not only will your friends never forget the night, but your buddy who is getting married will return the favor when you are up to bat!

Exotic Dancer Boot Camp

By Vince Leona

Is there anything worse than a stripper who can’t dance, or even worse one that is not in shape? Dana Larkin was a former Marine who became a Stripper. She was always in amazing shape, and made the most money at her club. Dana took another girl named Jessica under her wing and before you knew it, Jessica was the 2nd biggest money earner at the club! The club owner was so impressed that he asked Dana to start training some of his other girls, and Dana’s amazing work led to a 350% profit increase at the club. Dana worked with 25 of the 40 girls at the clubs. Out of the 25, 20 of them were the top 20 earners at the club. This gave Dana an idea. If she could turn around flabby or lazy exotic dancers at her club, why couldn’t she do it for other clubs and dancers? So Dana started up an Exotic Dancer Boot camp. I talked to Dana about her ground breaking new program.

VL: So how do you do it? How did you get a 350% profit increase at your original club?

DL: Well I walked the walk so I am not able to show these people how to become successful! A lot of it is obvious, clean eating and exercise. But the main thing is to have a clear cut goal when you wake up! You have to want this! Nothing is handed to you. I start off by working with the psyche. You need to wake up every day and scream that you will win today! You will make that next step. You will get to that next level. You can’t quit. You have to take the day by the horns and run with it. I like to then put together manageable goals. Have pride in what you do. If you are an exotic dancer, it is unacceptable to be flabby. It is unacceptable to be lazy. You need to want to make money, perform, and have fun. It the perfect storm for success. If even one of those three goals are not be strived for, then you will not be successful. It doesn’t take a long time to see your body transform. And that is the thing that people need to get them in the right mindset. They need to see their hard work paying off. I change the way they think, and then they are able to make the physical change.

VL: You sound like a miracle worker. What has your hardest task been?

DL: I just signed a deal for a reality show where I will be working with a strip club in Washington DC that is losing tons of money. All of the girls there are overweight and lazy. This will by far be my hardest task, but I will not let it derail me. These girls need to shape up or get out! I plan on turning this club from a place that has lost money 3 years in a row, to one of the most profitable in Atlanta! It all starts with the girls. If they are delivering, then everything else all follows it!

VL: Will you have time to do the TV show with you other business.

DL: Of course! I am a master at multi-tasking. I have always had to wear many hats. This will be nothing new for me. I just got to keep my eye on the prize!

VL: I can only imagine what a successful reality show could do for your company!

DL: We are hoping that it takes us to the next level. We are ready to explode!