The New Sports Bar

By Vince Leona

Every Sunday men leave the house bright and early to watch a full day of football, but they aren’t going to the usual place to watch. Sports bars, and buddies houses used to be the place to watch the game, but they have been replaced by strip clubs. I guess it makes sense. Where else can you watch the game, eat, hang with your buddies, and see beautiful naked women? Strip clubs done right can be the ultimate playground for both single and married men. I recently interviewed a strip club owner Albuquerque named Jacob who plans on opening the greatest Sports Bar Strip Club in the country.

VL: So tell me about this place.

J: This is a Strip Club mixed with Sports bar fusion! We are taking the good from both and creating a wonderland.

VL: What makes this place different?

J: We are eliminating the sleaziness from the strip club, and adding the fun of the sports bar. This is a full out sports bar. 50 huge HD screens, wired with concert sound, and the most bad ass stage in the country. Guys can eat wings, watch the game, and get a lap dance all at the same time. This is the place I always wanted to go to as a teenager. Since it didn’t exist, I created it.

VL: Hot wings and naked girls, why didn’t I think of that?

J: Ha! Well I am not saying that I am a visionary. I took something and made it better. I am like the pimp my ride guys.

VL: Tell me about your plans for Fantasy Football drafts next season, from what I heard it sounds amazing.

J: We are really excited about this! We are going to have draft parties with your own personal topless waitress. Also in between picks, you can get lap dances from our beautiful girls. Like I said, we are taking this thing to a new level. We want this to be a mind blowing experience. No sleazy guys in sweat pants sitting alone in the corner. This is the hangout spot of your dreams! Bring the whole crew, and there will be something for everyone. Also we are going to have 5 pool tables, darts, Golden Tee, and poker tournaments.

VL: Tell me about these poker tournaments. That sounds like fun!

J: We are the only club in the country that will give the eliminated players a lap dance! Of course you can get massages and dances anytime during the tournament, but when you get eliminated, the first dance is on us!

VL: I picture guys going all in just to get the free lap dance!

J: That is a funny visual! All we want is to make this place the only destination for groups of guys.

VL: How about the ladies, how do they fit in?

J: One thing I know about women is that when there is something cool going on, they show up. Believe me they will be there. This place will blow your bind.

VL: Well I disagree with your statement early. I think you ARE a visionary! You are doing God’s work sir.

J: (Laughs) thanks! See you next year.

The Male Revue Show – A Work Of Art

By Vince Leona

Thanks to the high demand for Male Revue shows in the United States, the industry has taken itself to a whole new level. The Male Revue shows have become a work of art. The amount of time putting together one of these shows can be compared to any other large stage production. Taking the lead from Cirque Du Soleil, these revue shows have been taken to the next level. I recently talked to a Male Revue show director named Gino who does one of the biggest revue shows in the country. After his 2nd show of the night, I conducted this interview.

VL: I checked out your show, and I got to say it was amazing!

G: Well we try (laughs).

VL: You guys are amazing at what you do. Those ladies were going nuts.

G: Thanks for the compliment. We take this show very seriously. If we slack off even a little, we know that there are many other outlets for these ladies to get entertained.

VL: I have been to many female revue shows, and the guys don’t react the same way. These women seemed to almost be in heat.

G: (Laughs) sometimes they are! You have to understand, these ladies are here to have fun! It is an outlet for them. Whether or not they are missing something at home, they can let that bad girl out at my show. Also they do not have to worry about being judged. They can be as open and sexual as their heart desires.

VL: You are an amazing performer, what is your background?

G: I was a dancer for many years going on tour with some very famous pop artists. I also have done a lot of theater. All that plus my 2 degrees in business have led me to living out what is truly a dream.

VL: Do you plan on taking this show national?

G: Yes! That is the dream. It is hard to hand over the keys to someone else though because I am a control freak! I know that I cannot be in multiple cities at once, so that is a realization that I am going to have to come to terms with.

VL: The sky is the limit brother! If you can make three hundred ladies go crazy in your hometown, I am sure that you can do it all over the country.

G: Maybe we can go into business together (laughs).

VL: How do you promote a show like this? Is it hard to get a full house every week?

G: We currently have a streak of 96 straight sell outs! That is 2 shows every Saturday, and for the last 48 weeks it has been sold out. We are really proud of that. The show at this point sells itself, but social media is the main promotion that we do. At first we did some radio commercials, and stuff like that but it didn’t work. Now we have a well-oiled machine ready to blow these ladies away.

VL: Good luck with the show, I am sure I will hear about your debut in Vegas soon.

G: Come see us next year, and might be a reality.