The Female Stripper of the Year

By Dave Dakota Cynthia Chavez from San Diego, by way of St Paul, recently won the prestigious “stripper of the Year” award! I talked to Cynthia about her journey and amazing victory. DD: Tell me about how you went from a regular stripper to “female Stripper of the year.” CC: I always thought strippers were pretty when I was a little girl, and when I turned 18, despite my mom at first being upset I went for it! I wasn’t a girl who went in and just wanted to make money. I look at it like an art form. I worked hard to make sure that I was the best at what I did. It feels amazing to be recognized for all of the work I have put into perfecting this. DD: What makes you so different? CC: Well like I said, this is art to me! I spend many hours studying and perfecting my craft. I am at the highest end of Female Stripping. I really put on a show. I can entertain all genders and age ranges. I think the problem with this industry is that people don’t go out of their way to make it a beautiful art. I want to make the female stripper occupation something that is a beautiful job to have. DD: What is your daily regimen? You are in amazing shape! CC: I eat clean, and workout! It is really that easy. I think people over think fitness. If you do the basic stuff, then you will be in shape! I have cheat days like everyone else. I do a lot of late night appearances at strip clubs across the country, and it is almost impossible to eat healthy sometimes. But the key is to not let those cheat days become more than just a cheat day! You have to know that the day after a cheat day; it is time to get back on track! Also my routines are pretty intense. I have a job where I burn a ton of calories. So add the clean eating and working out every day to that, and that is why I am in this shape. DD: As Female Stripper of the year, what doors has it opened for you? CC: The main thing is that it has gotten a bunch of new eyes on me! A lot of opportunities that I was looking into before winning the award, I couldn’t even get a call back. Now these people are calling me! It has been an amazing experience. I have always wanted to do my own Vegas show, and I am getting close to making that dream a reality! Until then, this Female Stripper of the year award has made it possible for me to tour the country and be a feature performer at clubs all across the country! I am doing a European tour next month. I am so excited! I have always wanted to go to Paris. Now I am going on someone else’s dime. All thanks to this award! DD: All hail the new Queen of Strippers! CC: And you better believe I am going to defend my title next year! I can’t wait to talk to you this time next year about my back to back titles.

Bachelor Party King for a Day

By Dave Dakota

Have you ever wanted to live the fantasy of being Jay Z or Brad Pitt for a day? Have you ever wanted the VIP treatment that makes you feel like a celebrity?  St. Paul native, Charles Logan has created a new service that makes you feel like a big deal at your Bachelor Party. I talked to Charles about his new company.

DD: This is pretty cool! Tell me about your company.

CL: I always wanted to be a high roller when I was growing up! I made a decent living but never made enough money to live the high life. So my buddy and I came up with an idea! We decided that we would take turns pretending to be the important person that night. So we bought this security uniform, and took turns driving the other guy around. We really got into it and started to wear an ear piece when it was our turn to work security. The most common question girls would ask me when I was playing the security guard was “who is that guy? And of course I had a different story every week. One time he was in a band, another time he was a football player. The stories went on and on. Unbelievably, we both met a lot of ladies doing this. And although we started doing it to get girls, it became more about playing the part, and seeing what we could get away with. One time we were in Los Angeles and got a $900 dinner comped because the manager thought that I was famous. The feeling that you get when you are the star is something that is unmatched by anything else. The night of my partner in crimes Bachelor Party, we did the usual scam, only this time with 25 buddies. It was the best night of our lives. We owned Vegas that night. Every girl thought that my boy was a superstar. I saw the power of numbers, and came up with this King for a Day Bachelor Party service. We give you the full VIP treatment with a driver, we dress your buddies up as security guards, and it becomes a night that you and your buddies will never forget. I even have deals at clubs where they act like you are someone important! We have the DJ announce your name and say you are in the house! Then when the ladies see you and your crew, they go crazy!

DD: What is the best story you have heard from one of your parties?

CL: We once had a guy who pretended that he was a Prince from Abu Dhabi. It was hilarious because he was a white guy, and 90% of his friends were white. As ridiculous as it sounded, it didn’t matter, when the DJ announced Prince Naseem in the house, the ladies went nuts! It’s always funny to hear about these nights. We truly create an experience that is bigger than a Bachelor Party. It is an event that they will never forget.