Bachelor Party Lottery

By Dave Dakota

Charlie Quivnuorey a 23 year old Miami Union worker threw the greatest Bachelor Party his friends had ever been to. Charlie who was the best man for his friend Rob’s wedding was absolutely broke. Charlie had a job making minimum wage, and had to move back in with his parents. He had saved up $300 for the Bachelor Party just so that he could try to put something together for his best friend Rob, but his car died out on him and it cost him $400 to fix it, which wiped out the Bachelor Party money. Charlie felt so bad, and told Rob that he wouldn’t be able to throw him a party because he was broke. Rob didn’t care. He told Charlie, you are my best friend. You just showing up is priceless to me. Charlie’s life was about to change. One a week Charlie buys a $2 lottery ticket. Like usual on Tuesday, Charlie played his numbers. One of which was 9 for Rob’s old jersey number when they played Pop Warner Football together. Charlie could not believe it when he saw the drawing on TV. Charlie had won!! He split 33 million dollars with 4 people. Leaving him right around 8 million. Taking the one time payout, and after taxes were figured in, this minimum wage making 23 year old who lived with his parents was not worth over 4 million dollars. The first guy Charlie called was Rob! Charlie said, “Something amazing has happened. Get ready for the Bachelor Party of your life.” Charlie rented a private jet and flew all 20 guys to Vegas. Each guy got his own luxury suite. Charlie also gave each guy $1000 in gambling money. Charlie paid for everything that weekend. Steak houses and bottle service every night at the club. Charlie also rented out a private room in Cesar’s Palace and got 10 strippers to put on the greatest show that Rob had ever seen. When the guys lost their thousand gambling, Charlie gave them another thousand! He made it clear that he wanted these guys to have the time of their lives and not spend a dime on anything. This Bachelor Party was the type of Bachelor Party you would expect Jay Z to throw, not Charlie. The world series of poker was going on in Vegas. As a gift to Rob, Charlie paid for Rob to play in one of the tournaments. Charlie spent over $250,000 on this Bachelor Party, but saved the best surprise for when they got home. Charlie took Rob and his fiance Megan out to dinner, and told them that he wanted to pay for the entire wedding. Megan immediately broke down and started crying. Charlie explained that Rob was his best friend, and Rob telling Charlie that all he wanted was Charlie’s presence at the Bachelor party showed him how great of a friend Rob was. Not only did Charlie pay for the wedding, but had one more surprise. Charlie bought them a ten day trip to Europe. Charlie told Rob that he wanted to do an annual Vegas trip, that is of course if he doesn’t run out of money!

Male Revue To You

By Vince Leona

Imagine a Male Revue Show that does house calls? Charlene Ramirez has created her own Male Revue delivery service. I talked to Charlene about this revolutionary business.

VL: So what made you start up a Male Revue delivery service?

CR: My boyfriend was an MC at a male revue show, and it wasn’t very successful. I once got a stripper gram and had the idea of bringing the revue show to the ladies. If they got excited by one stripper, I figured a full revue show in their living room would make them go crazy! So we started up the delivery service. We started by sending out groups of 5 guys doing 8 shows every Saturday. Half hour shows with half hour for traveling! So from 6PM-2AM we were all over Miami. It became an instant hit when we got on the 5 o’clock news so we added a second team of 5. We then added Friday shows, and now we have expanded to Sundays. It’s been only 9 months and we now have 5 crews working 3 nights a week! And even with that much coverage, we are still overbooked! The good thing is that the customers are now willing to work with us a bit more. We have become an event! They want us to show up. It’s like sending out celebrities.

VL: So you guys are doing 120 shows a week in Miami? That is amazing! Do you have any thoughts on expanding throughout Florida? Or how about expanding nationwide?

CR: At this point we own Florida. Each crew has a driver, DJ, and 5 dancers. We are employing more people in the United States than Apple! We are pretty happy with our progress, but we definitely want to invade the rest of the state. As we speak, I am working on putting together a crew in Tampa. I plan on staying on the East Coast for the next 3 years, and then branching off. But right now the priority is Florida. I think that we have a great niche, and I am in the process in adding 3-5 more teams. We want to be doing 500 parties a week in Miami within the next 2 years. Also while expanding in Miami; we will kick it off in Tampa the same way we started here. We will start out with just one crew and once a week. My hope is that we will be forced to hire more people and add more days within the first 3 months.

VL: Did you ever think that you would be making this much money when you started this company?

CR: Never in my wildest dreams. I thought we can make a little money on the side, and instead it has taken over my life. I now am making this my main focus. Our numbers are going to double every 6 months. We want to make this thing as big as possible. As long as we stay cool and relevant, there is no stopping us!