That Girl Giving You A Lap Dance Might Save Your Life

By Vince Leona

It is always a cliché that female strippers are “in school”. But last week in Houston Texas that cliché became reality. Mark Roderwill was hanging out a Gentlemen’s club with a client. It is a place that he goes to close deals. Mark is the CEO of a very successful company, and prefers taking his clients to a Gentlemen’s club than in his boring office. Mark woke up on a Monday and felt a bit light headed, but fought through it and drank a red bull for energy. Mark knew that he had a big meeting so he had to be on his “A” game. Mark hit the gym at 7AM like he did every Monday to get in an hour of cardio. He then called his secretary and said that he had a VIP setup for his client Tom set for noon. His favorite female stripper Marissa was working that night and she was Mark’s favorite. He knew that Tom would love her, and whatever other friends she was going to bring along. Mark then headed over to close the deal. Mark got there early, and waited for Tom in the parking lot. Mark was still feeling a bit light headed and started feeling weak. Tom arrived at noon, and Mark put on his game face. After a little catching up in the parking lot, they headed inside the club. Tom was very impressed when he walked in. Mark had a bottle of Tom’s favorite Scotch, and 2 huge steaks waiting for them. Tom informed Mark that he was ready to sign the deal yesterday, but glad he waited. Mark got through the details of this multiyear deal that they had been negotiating, and on cue Marissa and 3 friends walked over. Tom loved Female Strippers as much as Mark so this was the main event of the night. Mark had many conversations in the past with Marissa, and she had told him many times that she was using the money she was making to put herself through school. It’s not that Mark did not believe her, but never really gave it much thought. Mark started to feel a lot of pressure in his chest, and asked for a glass of water and then crashed to the ground like a ton of bricks. Marissa then leaped into action. She started performing CPR on Mark. He had stopped breathing. Marissa vigorously tried to revive him. Finally after 5 minutes, he started to breathe again. An ambulance was on the scene in 6 minutes, and took over from there. Mark was rushed to the hospital in a semi conscience state. After performing emergency surgery, Mark woke up with a bunch of tubes in him. Marissa and Tom were both in the room waiting for Mark to wake up. The doctor then came in the room and informed Mark that Marissa had saved his life. This is a perfect example of not judging a book by its cover. It would be very easy to discount a female stripper who tells you that she is in school, but she just may be the person that saves your life.

Strip Club Fantasy Sports Experience

By Vince Leona

Houston, TX has combined the love of bars, strippers, and fantasy sports into the first every Fantasy Strip Club! This place is truly a guy’s dream. It has a full bar along with a Fantasy Sports suite like no other in the country. Not to mention it is a 24/7 strip club featuring some of the most beautiful women in the world. I talked to former college football player Alan Meitro about his innovative club.

VL: You truly have created a fantasy sports experience like no other!

AM: When I was in College, we would always have Fantasy Football Drafts for not just football, but Baseball and Basketball too. We would hire strippers and do the drafts at different buddies’ houses. I always had the dream of having a place that was based around fantasy sports! I saved up a bunch of money and was able to make my dream come true. The beauty is that there is always fantasy sports going on, so we have draft and viewing parties all year long.

VL: During the lean months for fantasy sports, does the strip club hold up to other strip clubs, or is the place mainly about Fantasy Sports?

AM: Not at all! We have a world class strip club. A lot of our clientele don’t even play fantasy sports. They are just here for our beautiful ladies!  The Fantasy sports aspect is something that everyone doesn’t take part in. However, we recommend that veteran and rookie fantasy players come on out and check out what we are doing here.

VL: Tell me about the Fantasy Football drafts that you guys host.

AM: We create the greatest experience that any Fantasy Player will ever have. We have a world class chef who makes gourmet versions of regular party wings. Our Jumbo wings are better than any other I have ever tried. We offer these draft parties with 2 girls writing the names on the board of who you draft. Like I said Gourmet food, and in between making your picks you can get lap dances from our gorgeous girls. We have guys booking their fantasy parties here a year out. We are truly doing some ground breaking stuff here.

VL: After the draft, what do you guys have to offer to fantasy sports players?

AM: We have 50 big screens, WIFI everywhere, and a stats center where you can keep track of everything while watching all of the games. Also each group gets put in the running for a free trip to the champagne room with the girl of their choice. Our girls are all big sports fans too, so the conversations are great with our ladies. You might even get good advice for trades from our girls. Also our girls want to please you. This isn’t one of those clubs where the girls act stuck up. We have your fantasy girl here, and she is completely accessible.

VL: I think I am going to have to set up my draft with you. Sounds like a blast.

AM: Thanks for the support!